Volvo Certificate IV Frontline Managers Program Participant Survey

This survey is for participants to review and showcase their key learnings from their management training program.

  • Congratulations on completing your training program. Volvo and the Australian Institute of Management are committed to achieving great results from each training program. We would like you to complete the survey below to review your learning experience as well as to demonstrate the key initiatives you have implemented as part of your training. Your results will be shared with your management team to help evaluate the effectiveness of this training program. Once you have finished press submit to upload your survey.
  • Professional Development Survey

  • Instructions. Please complete the survey below and when you have finished press submit
  • Engagement Survey

  • Instructions: Please indicate to what extent do you agree with the comments below

  • Business Improvement Initiative 1

  • Instructions: Please identify the top 3 new initiatives you have implemented as result of completing this program and share with us your results from each initiative.

  • Business Improvement Initiative 2

  • Business Improvement Initiative 3